
Complete order object. This can be used to create an invoice rather than a pack slip

Name Type Description Additional information
VisibleId integer

Unique number for the Maersk System

MemberNumber string

Member account number

Max length: 50

Currency string


Max length: 5

DiscountTotal decimal number

Discount Total cost

GroupPoints decimal number

Group points

HandlingTotal decimal number

Handling Total cost

ImportDate date

Date and time imported in Utc

EstimatedShipDate date

Estimated shipping date Utc

OrderDate date

Order Date UTC


OrderNumber string

Order Number


Max length: 50

OrderSubTotal decimal number

Order Subtotal as decimal

OrderTotal decimal number

Order total as decimal

OrderType string

Order Type

Max length: 30

PersonalPoints decimal number

Personal Points

PONumber string

Purchase Order Number

Max length: 50

ShipAddress1 string

Ship Address 1


Max length: 35

ShipAddress2 string

Ship Address 2

Max length: 35

ShipAddress3 string

Ship Address 3

Max length: 35

ShipCarrier string

Carrier Name

Max length: 30

ShipCountry string

Destination Country iso 2 digit


Max length: 5

ShipCity string

Destination City


Max length: 60

ShipCompany string

Optional Destination Company

Max length: 50

ShipEmail string


Max length: 100

ShipName string

Name of Receiver


Max length: 50

ShipPhone string

Reciever's Phone Number

Max length: 50

ShippingCode string

Shipping Code

Max length: 10

PreferredShipMethod string

Prefered Method of Shipment

Max length: 50

PreferredShipLocation string

Prefered Method of Shipment

Max length: 3

ShippingInstructions string

Optional Instructions

Max length: 500

DoNotOptimizeShipMethod boolean

Force use of preferred method even if a faster or cheaper method is available

ShipPostalCode string

Reciever Postal Code

Max length: 20

ShipServiceType string

Carrier Service Type

Max length: 50

ShipState string

Reciever's State


Max length: 20

Source string


Max length: 20

Status string


Max length: 20

StatusDate date

Status Date Time UTC

ShippingTotal decimal number

Shipment Total

TaxableAmount decimal number

Taxable Amount

TaxPercent decimal number

Tax Percentage

TaxTotal decimal number

Tax Total

ERPNumber string

ERP Number

Max length: 50

ERPLocation string

ERP Location

Max length: 50

OrderItems Collection of OrderItem

Order Items


OrderPayments Collection of OrderPayment

Order Payments

OrderOptions Collection of OrderOptions

Options as Key Value Pairs Values Include: SignatureOptions

OrderShipments Collection of Shipment

Shipments for an order

PerformanceInMS integer

ClientName string