
Name Type Description Additional information
Id integer

ClientName string

ItemCode string

MfgItemCode string

AlternateItemCode string

InternalItemCode string

LegacyItemCode string

Name string

Description string

WMSDescription string

ItemType string

ItemStatus string

ItemUoM string

ItemClassification string

Vendor string

ImageName string

Weight decimal number

WeightUoM string

Height decimal number

Width decimal number

Length decimal number

CurrencyCode string

DimUoM string

BoxClassificationId integer

Cost decimal number

ManagedMarkup decimal number

IsManaged boolean

DiscontinueDate date

UnitsInCase decimal number

HasSerialNumber boolean

HazardousCode string

HazardTemp string

Food boolean

Refrigerated boolean

ExpirationDays integer

TempUoM string

Prop65 boolean

Volume decimal number

VolumeUoM string

CountryOfOrigin string

WillMelt boolean

MeltTemp string

WillFreeze boolean

FreezeTemp string

SpecialShippingCode string

IsBarCoded boolean

BarCodeNumber string

UNHazardCode string

IsLotControlled boolean

CreatedUser string

ModifiedUser string

ModifiedTimeStamp date

RowVersion string

ItemExtensions Collection of VipersItemExtension

ItemHarmonizedCodes Collection of VipersItemHarmonizedCode

ItemKits Collection of VipersItemKit

ItemPricings Collection of VipersItemPricing

DBStatus integer